Friday, October 25, 2013


So I think I will start posting on Wednesdays and maybe Sundays. Yes, I know it's Friday so I'm starting off all wrong. But I haven't posted in awhile and I definitely need to update more often and blog more. It's therapeutic and it reminds me that there are other things out there in this work than work. I also know I said I was going to post about funny things. I work in a self-contained classroom so some of the things my students say are just off the wall and hilarious. And what's great about my students is that they laugh, too. Other students would be embarrassed or get angry while my students realize that life should not be taken so seriously. They always make room in their day to laugh, smile, and try to make me act silly. My students are typically successful in that endeavor.

Also, I've been really trying to learn and implement patience in my classroom and my life...that is SO hard for me! I guess I should try to obtain a little bit before I have kids of my own. Hardest. Goal. EVER!

So my goal by my Sunday post: find something that helps me achieve my "patience goal". I'll let you know how that goes. By the way, TGIF!!! :)

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